실시간 인기검색어
1 온스콜라
2 Ssat 5
3 수강 3
4 상담 5
5 수업 3
6 G4 4
7 crm 4
8 수강신청 4
9 sat 4
10 물리
네이버 전문자료검색결과 (77,538건)
The Sat4j library, release 2.2
Sat4j is a mature, open source library of SAT-based solvers in Java. It provides a modular SAT solver architecture designed to work wi
Activation of SAT1 engages polyamine metabolism with p53-mediated ferroptotic responses.
Although p53-mediated cell-cycle arrest, senescence, and apoptosis remain critical barriers to cancer development, the emerging role o
Anti-SAT: Mitigating SAT Attack on Logic Locking
Logic locking is a technique that is proposed to protect outsourced IC designs from piracy and counterfeiting by untrusted foundries.
SAT Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde
SATzilla: Portfolio-based Algorithm Selection for SAT
Solver, Scalability, Portfolio construction, Portfolio, Mathematics, Mathematical optimization, Local search (optimization), Data se
Translating Pseudo-Boolean Constraints into SAT
In this paper, we describe and evaluate three different techniques for translating pseudo-boolean constraints (linear constraints over
QMaxSAT: A Partial Max-SAT Solver
We present a partial Max-SAT solver QMaxSAT which uses CNF encoding of Boolean cardinality constraints. The old version 0.1 was obtain
A survey of recent advances in SAT-based formal verification
AbstractDramatic improvements in SAT solver technology over the last decade and the growing need for more efficient and scalable verif
SARLock: SAT attack resistant logic locking
Logic locking is an Intellectual Property (IP) protection technique that thwarts IP piracy, hardware Trojans, reverse engineering, and
Shadow Education, American Style: Test Preparation, the SAT and College Enrollment
Cross-national research finds that "shadow education" — educational activities outside of formal schooling — tends to confer advan