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네이버 전문자료검색결과 (37,641건)
A Comparison of the Activity, Sequence Specificity, and CRM1-Dependence of Different Nuclear Exp
Nuclear export sequences (NESs) have been identified in many cellular proteins, but it remains unclear how different NESs compare in a
Exportin 1 (Crm1p) Is an Essential Nuclear Export Factor
Nuclear protein export is mediated by nuclear export signals (NESs), but the mechanisms governing this transport process are not well
Understanding customer relationship management (CRM)
Structural determinants of nuclear export signal orientation in binding to exportin CRM1.
The Chromosome Region of Maintenance 1 (CRM1) protein mediates nuclear export of hundreds of proteins through recognition of their nuc
Engaging suppliers in CRM: The role of justice in buyer–supplier relationships
► We explore the role that suppliers play in CRM implementation. ► We empirically test a conceptual model of fairness linking CRM
Nmd3p Is a Crm1p-Dependent Adapter Protein for Nuclear Export of the Large Ribosomal Subunit
In eukaryotic cells, nuclear export of nascent ribosomal subunits through the nuclear pore complex depends on the small GTPase Ran. Ho
How to enhance SMEs customer involvement using social media: The role of Social CRM
Despite increasing attention to the influence of customer involvement and social media in developing innovation in small- and medium-s
Nuclear‐cytoplasmic transport of EGFR involves receptor endocytosis, importin β1 and CRM1
Abstract 10.1002/jcb.20876.abs Many receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) can be detected in the cell nucleus, such as EGFR, HER‐2, HER
From e-CRM to s-CRM. Critical factors underpinning the social CRM activities of SMEs
Underpinning, Social media, Social CRM, Project commissioning, Knowledge management, Exploratory factor analysis, Dynamic capabiliti
The effect of CRM use on internal sales management control: An alternative mechanism to realize
This case study investigates how effective internal sales management control is achieved through CRM use and why enhanced control is b