실시간 인기검색어
1 온스콜라
2 Ssat 4
3 G4 1
4 crm 5
5 수강 2
6 상담 3
7 수업 1
8 수강신청 6
9 sat 4
10 물리
네이버 전문자료검색결과 (3건)
#metoo in China: visceral accounts of rape culture, a non-domestic feminist counterpublic, and n
ABSTRACTSince its emergence in January 2018, the Chinese #MeToo movement has mobilized #MeToo, #RiceBunny, and other hashtags on Weibo
#metoo in China: visceral accounts of rape culture, a non-domestic feminist counterpublic, and n
ABSTRACTSince its emergence in January 2018, the Chinese #MeToo movement has mobilized #MeToo, #RiceBunny, and other hashtags on Weibo
경력단절예방서비스 표준 모델 개발
Development of Standard Models for Career Interruption Prevention Services 1. 서론 가. 연구 배경 및 목적 ○우리나라 여