실시간 인기검색어
1 온스콜라
2 Ssat 4
3 G4
4 crm 5
5 상담 1
6 수강 1
7 수업 1
8 수강신청 6
9 sat 4
10 물리
네이버 전문자료검색결과 (73,320건)
Extending modern SAT solvers for models enumeration
In this paper, we address the problem of enumerating all models of a Boolean formula in conjunctive normal form (CNF). We propose an e
Strong Anti-SAT: Secure and Effective Logic Locking
Logic locking has been proposed as strong protection of intellectual property (IP) against security threats in the IC supply chain esp
Hispanics’ SAT Scores
This study uncovers which learning (epistemic belief of learning), socioeconomic background (level of parental education, family incom
Applications of SAT Solvers to AES Key Recovery from Decayed Key Schedule Images
Cold boot attack is a side channel attack which exploits the data remanence property of random access memory (RAM) to retrieve its con
A comprehensive study and analysis on SAT-solvers: advances, usages and achievements
Boolean satisfiability (SAT) has been studied for the last twenty years. Advances have been made allowing SAT solvers to be used in ma
Improved SAT-based ATPG
Automatic Test Pattern Generation (ATPG) based on Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) is a robust alternative to classical structural ATPG. D
3-SAT on CUDA: Towards a massively parallel SAT solver
This work presents the design and implementation of a massively parallel 3-SAT solver, specifically targeting random problem instances
Incorporating Clause Learning in Grid-Based Randomized SAT Solving
Computational Grids provide a widely distributed computing environment suitable for randomized SAT solving. This paper develops techni
Deciphering Staphylococcus sciuri SAT-17 mediated anti-oxidative defense mechanisms and growth m
Soil salinity severely affects plant nutrient use efficiency and is a worldwide constraint for sustainable crop production. Plant grow
2006 and 2007 Max-SAT Evaluations: Contributed Instances
In this technical report we briefly describe the instances submitted to the 2006 and 2007 Max-SAT Evaluations. First, we introduce the