실시간 인기검색어
1 온스콜라
2 Ssat 4
3 G4
4 crm 5
5 수강 2
6 상담 2
7 수업 1
8 수강신청 6
9 sat 4
10 물리
네이버 전문자료검색결과 (73,725건)
Exact Max-SAT solvers for over-constrained problems
AbstractWe present a new generic problem solving approach for over-constrained problems based on Max-SAT. We first define a Boolean cl
Learning Optimal Decision Trees with SAT
Optimal decision, Computer science, Artificial intelligence
High selectivity detection of FMDV- SAT-2 using a newly-developed electrochemical nanosensors.
Foot-and-mouth disease virus serotype South-Africa territories-2 (FMDV-SAT-2) is the most fastidious known type in Aphthovirus which s
Solving (Weighted) Partial MaxSAT by Dynamic Local Search for SAT
Maximum satisfiability problem, Mathematical optimization, Local search (optimization), Computer science
Depletion of the polyamines spermidine and spermine by overexpression of spermidine/spermine N¹
Acetyltransferases, antagonists & inhibitors, genetics, metabolism, Antimetabolites, pharmacology, Apoptosis, drug effects, Apoptosi
KA-SAT and future HTS systems
Launched in December 2010 KA-SAT represents the first of the current generation of High Throughput Satellites (HTS). With a total syst
The Role of Socioeconomic Status in SAT-Grade Relationships and in College Admissions Decisions
This article examines the role of socioeconomic status (SES) in the relationships among college admissions-test scores, secondary scho
Strong partial clones and the time complexity of SAT problems
Highlights•We investigate the complexity of SAT(⋅) with partial clone theory.•We identify the computationally easiest NP-complet
Generation of monoclonal antibodies against foot‐and‐mouth disease virus SAT 2 and the devel
Abstract Foot‐and‐mouth disease (FMD) remains a major economic concern for the livestock productivity in many developing countries
To SAT or Not to SAT: Scalable Exploration of Functional Dependency
Functional dependency is concerned with rewriting a Boolean function f as a function h over a set of base functions {g1,¿,gn}, i.e.,