실시간 인기검색어
1 온스콜라
2 Ssat 4
3 crm 6
4 G4 1
5 수강 2
6 상담 2
7 수업 1
8 수강신청 6
9 sat 4
10 물리
네이버 전문자료검색결과 (73,725건)
On the satisfiability threshold and clustering of solutions of random 3-SAT formulas
Abstract We study the structure of satisfying assignments of a random 3- Sat formula. In particular, we show that a random
SAT-IoT: An Architectural Model for a High-Performance Fog/Edge/Cloud IoT Platform
Current new IoT standards do not detail enough some important and emergent aspects as the Fog/Edge computing support, the IoT computat
SAT-based planning in complex domains: Concurrency, constraints and nondeterminism
Abstract Planning as satisfiability is a very efficient technique for classical planning, i.e., for planning domains in which bot
Sustained attention in mice: Expanding the translational utility of the SAT by incorporating the
► Design and validation of a task for assessing sustained attention in mice. ► Design of retractable nose poke device (MICARP) as
Optimization of Combinatorial Testing by Incremental SAT Solving
Combinatorial testing aims at reducing the cost of software and system testing by reducing the number of test cases to be executed. We
Compiling problem specifications into SAT
We present a compiler that translates a problem specification into a propositional satisfiability test (SAT). Problems are specified i
Sex Differences in Quantitative SAT Performance: New Evidence on the Differential Coursework Hyp
Recent research has questioned socialization explanations for sex differences in mathematics performance. In particular, the hypothesi
Alu and Satα hypomethylation in Helicobacter pylori‐infected gastric mucosae
Abstract Global hypomethylation and regional hypermethylation are supposed to be hallmarks of cancer cells. During gastric carcinogene
An Assessment of the Dimensionality of Three SAT-Verbal Test Editions
A strong assumption made by most commonly used item response theory (IRT) models is that the data are unidimensional, that is, statist
Self-Reported GPA and SAT: A Methodological Note.
Studied the accuracy and trends of deviation noted in undergraduates' self-reported Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) and grade point a